The following programs are NOT error proof
you are welcome to use it as you like, but they do have errors, some major some minor. So, use it at ur own discretion.
These are written years ago and I didn't really have any established coding style. Not easy to read, nor clean, but should be good enough for fun.
Ph. D. Thesis
Design Optimization of Periodic Flows using Time-Spectral Discrete Adjoint
Mesh Adaptation Criteria for Unsteady Periodic Flows Using a Discrete Adjoint Time-Spectral Formulation
Preliminary Study on Time-Spectral and Adjoint-Based Design Optimization of Helicopter Rotors
Helicopter Rotor Design Using a Time-Spectral and Adjoint-Based Method
Multi-Physics Simulations: Challenges and Opportunities
Multi-Physics Applications of ACE3p
Satellite System Design
Spacecraft Sizting Tool applied to MAVEN
MAVEN analyzed using Spacecraft Sizing Tool
Orbital Mechanics
Excel spreadsheet for Orbital Trajectory calculation
Orbital Mechanics Class
Thermal Class
Applied Physics
General Relativity
Introduction To Relativity
General Relativity Lecture 1
Quantum Statistical Thermodynamics
Quantum Statistical Thermodynamics
Liquid Rocket Design
Small Liquid Rocket Design
Liquid Rocket/Rocket Propulsion Fundamentals/Solid Rocket Propulsion/Combustion Instability
Control Theory
PID/Lead/Lead-Lag Controller Demo
Simple controller addition to the unstable system
Boundary Layer
Boundary Layer: Boundary Layer Analysis
External Flow, Hydraulic/Thermal/Laminar/Turbulent Blasius solution/Hydraulic/Thermal boundary layer analysis
Flat Plate Boundary Layer, Laminar/Turbulent Detailed Turbulence layer
Internal Flow Friction Factor, Laminar/Turbulent
Internal Flow Boundary Velocity Profile/Moody Chart, Laminar/Turbulent
Turbulence, y+ Calculation
Aero-Structural Optimization
Aero Structural Optimization Code in Matlab
Aero Structural Optimization Report
Genetic Algorithm
Genetic Algorithm Code in Fortran, found in the web. My implemetation is missing.
Modified Cholesky Factorization Program
Optimization of distance between multiple pts on the sphere
Bisection Algorithm
Line Search Algorithm
Optimization Algorithm
Optimization of distance between 4 pts on the sphere
Optimization of distance between 56 pts on the sphere
Optimization of distance between 389 pts on the sphere
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
Classification R Code
Logistic Regression R Code
Support Vector R Code
Tree R Code
TensorFlow Image Recognition R Code
Neural Network Image Recognition R Code
Tensor Flow/Neural Network Image Recognition Report
Neural Network Code in Fortran, found in the web.
Exploratory Data Analysis in Python
Exploratory Data Analysis Write-up
Time Series Forecast in Python
Time Series Forecast Write-up
AI Lecture 1
Additive Manufacturing
3D AM, Bracket Design Case Study
3D AM, Hanger Design using Generative Additive Manufacturing
3D AM, Design Practice following DfAM
3D AM, Cost Analysis
Numerical Science
CFD: Computational Fluid Dynamics
Model Equations (simple equations used as test base)
Burger's equation, Non-Conservative Form
Burger's equation, Conservative Form
Heat Equation w/ Free/Fixed Boundary
Spline interpolation using Cubic spline: u need to provide starting point, ending point, and y values for each point
Polynomial and Cubic spline fit using the given set of data
in Matlab
Caputring Shock by Murman-Cole Method
Quasi 1-D Stegger-Warming
Quasi 1-D Modified Stegger-Warming
Couette Flow using Implicit, Explicit, CrankNicolson
2-D MSW Euler Solver, implicit, explicit
2-D MSW Navier Stokes Solver: change viscosity coef'
3-D MSW Euler Solver : has minor problems
Multigrid : coming up
Adjoint : coming up
in Fortran
2D Euler Solver written in Fortran. Need variable definitions. Can't find the include files. Please supply variable definitions.
Mathematical analysis on wave and shock front
1-D Euler Solver using 2nd order centered Godunov scheme
Spectral Method: (functions are not included for Matlab file)
Poisson Solver using Sine Transform
Wave Equation by Chebyshev Tau Method
Burger's Equation Shock capturing by FFT collocation with filtering
Unstructured Mesh
Poisson/Heat Equation solver in 2-D Unstructured Mesh
Poisson/Heat Equation solver in 3-D Unstructured Mesh
Applications on Compressible Flow:
Wave Drag Calculations for Cone
Wave Drag for Elliptic Area Distribution
Wave Drag for Elliptic Source Distribution
Applications on Incompressile Flow:
Potential Flow
Lift Coefficient
Applications on the Method of Characteristic Line:
2-D Channel flow using Characteristics
Massagin Passing Interface (MPI) and OpenMP for parallel computing
in Fortran
Poisson/Heat Equation solver using send/receive in MPI
Poisson/Heat Equation solver using Buffered send/receive in MPI
Poisson/Heat Equation solver using Non-blocking send/receive in MPI
Poisson/Heat Equation solver using sendreceive in MPI
Poisson/Heat Equation solver using OpenMP with Conjugate Gradient minimization algorithm
Poisson solver using Domain Decomposition Method
: This is one most painful program I've ever written.
Graph Partitioning for Paralleling computing
Calculating divergence speed of a stright wing using Strip theory and Pradtl's lifting line theory
Calculating flutter speed of wing using Theodorsen function -- fully unsteady 2D wing with 2 degrees of freedom
Load transfer between CFD and FEM grid: the first program I have written without having the entire code planned
Matrix Calculation:
Ellipsoid Eigenvectors and New Coordinate System
Deflection Angle and all that
SVD for mystery.pgm
SVD for the example marix
Tri-diagonal Solver
FEM Lecture 1 Lecture 1
FEM Lecture 2 Lecture 2
FEM Lecture 3 Lecture 3
FEM Example 1 Heat Transfer
FEM Example 2 Example 1
FEM Example 3 Example 2
Electrical Engineering
EE Fundamentals
Fourier Transform
Effect of Aliasing
Spectrogram generator for the wav file, using overlapping and non-overlapping windows
Identification of dial tone
Wandering wave tone generator
Communication System Design
Simple Communication System Demo
Signal Modulation/Demodulation Demo
Signal Modulation/Demodulation Demo 2
Gold Code
GPS Signal Acquisition
GSP Noise Performance Plot
Radar Detection Probability
Radar Power Calculation
LNA Design
LNA Design, Spice file
LNA Design, Summary
FPGA Programming
FPGA programming, Xilink
Problem Definition
Real Time Operating System (RTOS)
RTOS Task/Interrupt/Semaphore, main file
RTOS Task/Interrupt/Semaphore, entire project
Embedded System, STM32
Problem Definition
STM32 board, SPI programmin, interface with chip, driver
Construction Management
House Construction Plan
Personal Project
Facebook Apps
Log-in test
Orbital Mechanics
Excel spreadsheet for Orbital Trajectory calculation
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